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Want To Share a Testimonial?

Do you have a paranormal story or demonic sighting you would like to share with us? Please take the time to fill out the form below. Provide us with the details of your story.  We will review your testimonial and determine if we would like to place it here on Demonology Incorporated. Thank you for sharing your stories. ~Carl & Lana

Message Details:

Name : Lana J Brock

Testimony Title : Presenting a Childhood Haunting

Message I will be the first to offer testimony here. I think very young children are wonderful witnesses to the paranormal. They see what they see and describe it honestly without really knowing if it is real or fantasy. I remember seeing an angel or spirit come into my bedroom window. It was the house that my parents rented before they bought the haunted house on Armstrong Street. I wondered what this spirit was. I didn't know if she was a person, a ghost or an angel. Back then I was only 3 years old when that occurred. So I honestly told myself it was a woman. She appeared to be wearing a lavender or periwinkle color flowing garment. She glided on the floor without touching it. She had dark brown hair and glowed. The gown was luminescent...radiant. As she drew closer to me...the light dimmed. She reached down to me smiling and placed her hands above my chest. She never touched me...just had her hands above my chest. A tingling sensation went through my chest causing me to laugh. It caused a slight ticklish sensation. My laugh caused the woman to smile and bring her finger to her mouth as if to say, "shhh". Then I heard my twin sister laughing also as if the same thing happened to her. But it was me that the spirit lady was tickling. Or so I thought. The woman glided backwards to the window and faded away. I don't know where she went and I never saw her again. A few months later my family moved to a demonic infested house on Armstrong Street which my father bought.


Years later when my twin sister and I laid on the grass in the front yard recollecting our dreams we could still remember I recalled that dream of the woman spirit to Lisa. Her eyes became wide with fear. She told me that that was HER dream. But I knew it was not. The spirit came to me. How could both of us have the same dream? How could a spirit perform a supernatural act of communicating with me as I saw the spirit look only at me. The spirit had to have had a supernatural ability...or perhaps it was a supernatural creature...such as an angel. We came to believe that the angel was blessing us knowing we would come to face great burdens on that street as well as a demonic haunting. It was the first time I experienced something paranormal. --Lana Brock

Message Details:

Name: Keith E. Johnson


Testimony Title: Mary Eliza

Message: Some years ago I happened to be researching information on a local girl named Mary Eliza Brownell, who died of tuberculosis on March 22, 1841, in Scituate, R.I., one month prior to her 17th birthday. During this research, my friend Maggie's assistance proved invaluable. As we continued gathering information on this young girl, we learned that she was apparently quite beautiful in life, and very much loved by the members of the community in which she lived, and that the entire town went into mourning for her when she died. One overcast afternoon, while we were visiting her grave, my friend Maggie surprised me by suddenly bursting into tears, saying, "Ohhh, she was so young!" Maggie then further surprised me by suggesting that we should attempt to contact Mary Eliza's spirit. Being aware of the potential dangers of attempting spirit communication, I naturally objected. "But Mary Eliza is probably so very lonely after all these years," said Maggie. "She'd probably be happy to know that there are people who still care about her!" A few evenings later, without my knowledge and against my advice, Maggie, assisted by her school friend Debbie, made the attempt to contact the spirit of Mary Eliza Brownell. Inside the parlor of Maggie's apartment, they placed two candles in front of a small, framed likeness of Mary Eliza, and began calling out her name. When they asked her to give them a sign of her presence, however, an eerie thing happened. As Maggie later explained it to me: "The eyes of the portrait just suddenly started to glow, I mean, REALLY glow! Debbie and I both saw it happen!" Next, they both distinctly heard footsteps just outside one of the parlor windows, accompanied by what sounded like heavy breathing, or growling, but when the two terrified young ladies glanced outside, there was no sign of anyone out there! They then quickly snuffed out the candles and ended their ceremony. A short time later, when Maggie was walking Debbie out to her car, they did indeed notice there were some footprints underneath the parlor window, some of which were still forming, right below them as they watched! After the two of them rushed back inside the apartment, Maggie quickly re-lit the candles, and prayerfully asked whatever spirit was manifesting itself to please depart in peace. Fortunately, they experienced no further incidents that night. The following day, when Maggie related the incident to me, she concluded by saying, "Whatever spirit we succeeded in summoning last night, it definitely wasn't Mary Eliza!"

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